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  • J.K. Fenner Limited

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Advertisers in previous issue:

  • We are producing six categories and nearly one thousand kinds and sizes of bias tyre, OTR tyre, radial tyre, Industrial tyre, agricultural tyre and solid tyre.
  • Lanfeng machine Co., LTD is a collection of R&D, production and sales of Fuel dispenser and LPG dispenser, gas station equipment of large enterprises in China.
  • GARAGE 1 has been purchasing cars, trucks and jeep in order to recuperate esclusively top quality used complet engines, gearboxes and mechanicals parts.
  • JINGZHOU JINGFU AUTO PARTS CO.,LTD , a Taiwan & Hubei joint venture, is focusing on manufacturing and supplying professional suspension parts.
  • Auto Parts
  • Product includes Braking, Steering, Suspension, Filtration, Transmission, Cooling, Heating, Electrical, Engine, Lubricants, Chemicals, Wiping, Lighting etc.
  • China Jiangsu Dongxing Auto Decorations Co.,Ltd,established in 1989,the manufacturer of cabin and body parts for truck Mercedes-Benz, Volvo,Scania,Man,Iveco,Daf and Renault.
  • Best Choice International Trade is one of the leading tyre exporter in China, and a major supplier of tyres and engines in Beijing Municipality.
  • Trade Exhibition
  • Dealers of Honda,Yamaha,Suzuki.
  • Kenya
  • Unique Part Trading L.L.C was formed in the year 1984 registered with Dubai Economic Department and Dubai Chamber of Commerce in dealing with the General Trade License to do the Commercial Activities of the Business.
  • Fuel Saver
  • Tyres,Chain,Battery
  • Range,Service,Quality.
  • Changzhou Guoshi Vehicle Accessories Co.,Ltd. is proficient in vehicle spare parts manufacturing and has involved a lot of capital, time and resources to make us prominent in this industry.
  • Steelmate - The world leading manufacturer in mobile electronics industry
  • Car garage equipment
  • Rolman World is one of the largest and most established distributors of bearings and related technical services in the Middle East and Africa.
  • Meizhou Jinda Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. is a state-owned enterprise ,specializing in manufacturing auto clutch disc and brake.
  • FM Filter Monza can respond to this need with a wide range of ready or customized filters, manufactured using different technological solutions.
  • Mobile Crushing and Screening plant
  • Our corporation is an important motorcycle production base in southern China.
  • Leading Dealers,Wholesalers & Retailers Specially For Nissan,Toyota & All Japanese Car Genuine Spare Parts.
  • Bearings
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